The Parish Clerk is a paid officer of the Council, and carries out a large number of tasks, generally related to management, organisation, communications and accounting.
You can contact the Clerk at .
Overall Responsibilities
The Clerk to the Council will be the Proper Officer of the Council and, as such, is under statutory duty to carry out all the functions, and in particular to serve or issue all the notifications required by law of a local authority’s Proper Officer.
The Clerk will be responsible for:
- ensuring that the instructions of the Council as a Local Authority are carried out;
- advising the Council, assisting in formation of policies, and provide information as required;
- ensuring effective management of Council resources, reporting as required;
- ensuring that statutory and other provisions governing or affecting the running of the Council are observed;
- prepare and circulate agendas and minutes, with documentation as needed;
- prepare for and attend any meetings; take and produce minutes of the meeting; and implement decision made at the meeting, before the next meeting where possible, and report back;
- read, deal with and file all correspondence on behalf of the Council, bringing it to the attention of the Council as needed;
- maintaining and updating documents pertaining to legal legislation, and bring to the notice of the Council any aspects of which they should be aware;
- maintaining confidentiality of information in an independent, objective and professional manner;
- being available to Parishioners during reasonable hours to receive information and requests;
- being acquainted with and act upon any Freedom of Information Act requests;
- liaising as needed with various local government and regulatory bodies, other relevant organisations (including the Parish Church) and individuals;
- liaising with contractors regarding the upkeep and maintenance of the village land, footpaths, and any other work required in the Parish;
- maintaining the Village Notice Board;
- carrying out general administration, and other duties when reasonably required; and
- attending functions or training sessions as needed or requested by the Council.
Financial Responsibilities
The Clerk will be the Responsible Financial Officer and be responsible for all financial records of the Council and the careful administration of its finances. They shall
- prepare a budget with the Chairman and Councillors;
- receive and report on invoices for goods and services to be paid for by the Council and ensure such accounts are met;
- prepare, receive and dispatch payments, and give a resume of the financial position at each Council meeting; and
- maintain the Council records and accounts, in accordance with the recommendations of the Internal Auditor and Accounts and Audit Regulations of 1996 (set up to enforce proper financial controls, prevent and detect fraud and tackle bad debts). These shall be made available to Councillors and Internal Auditors as needed, and parishioners if requested.
The Parish Council financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March.
Planning Responsibilities
The Clerk will attend to Planning Applications by
- informing the Councillor responsible for Planning, as soon as applications are received;
- looking up previous history as necessary in preparation for any extra-ordinary planning meetings;
- sending the Council’s comments to Wiltshire Council to arrive by the given deadline; and
- filing the documents securely.