The Parish Council is a legal entity, comprised of a group of locals elected or coopted, that fulfills various roles within the Parish. The duties of the Parish Council include:
- Addressing issues of interest and concern to villagers;
- Support and instigate projects such as the pond;
- Maintain the village pond, the community orchard, and the ‘Tollard Tardis’;
- Reviewing and commenting on planning applications within the Parish; and
- Liaising with relevant authorities and agencies, including our Wiltshire Councillor (Cllr Nabil Najjar), to represent the views of villagers.
Standing Orders
Tollard Royal Parish Council has written a set of Standing Orders which detail Councillor’s responsibilities. You can download a copy of the standing orders (amended 8th May 2017).
All enquiries should be sent to the Clerk. Email
The Council tries to meet every two months, but if there is something urgent such as a planning application that requires a response between meetings then an Extraordinary General Meeting is called. See the Meeting Schedule here.
Publication of the AGENDA and MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS.
These will be published both on the Notice Board and on this website as well as being circulated by email to all parishioners who have requested them. (Note: minutes are published as draft minutes and are signed at the next Parish Council Meeting).
Click here for the relevant agendas and minutes.
This website provides pages to comply with the Transparency Code for smaller authorities
From 01 July 2015 and thereafter at least annually, councils should publish:
- All transactions/expenditure over £100
- End of year accounts
- Annual Governance Statement
- Internal Audit report
- List of Councillor Responsibilities
- The details of public land and building assets
The Parish Council obeys all relevant laws and regulations, including GDPR. If you wish to see the Parish Council’s GDPR Policy, please click here.